Problem 7 – Scary cat in garden

Dear Uncle Bearsac

I’m scared by the grotty moggy next door. It sits in the front garden of my owner’s house and stares at me where I sit on the window sill. Any ideas how I can scare the pesky cat away?

Window Sill Teddy

Bearsac’s reply to problem 7

Dear Window Sill Teddy

I’m sorry to hear of your fear. I saw a video on YouTube and it gave me an idea for a solution. Try propping a cucumber against the window. Cats are scared of cucumbers. The reaction from the cat will make you laugh and the chemicals released to your body from laughing, will relax you so you will be less scared, even if the dreaded cat doesn’t move off once it has got over the initial shock.

If you doubt that cats fear cucumbers, see this video.

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