
Even a  cool dude teddy bear can’t be an international traveller all the time. One has to check out the country which they live in, now and then.

These photographs were taken in my original body, before I was snatched from Mummy Debra in Tanzania on 3rd December 2011.

I am a lucky teddy bear, to live in England; the land of plenty, don’t you think!

You can read about some of my travels, in Mummy Debra’s book. Travels with my Teddy Bear. (Travelogues and musings of a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome and her teddy bear). https://bearsac.com/book/

The book covers our travels between 2000 and 2007. The countries in the book are: America, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Holland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Japan, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Mongolia, China and 4 days on the Trans-Mongolian train.

For now, enjoy the photographs on this page.

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