
If you want the paperback, please only buy the one with the ISBN of 978-1-9160922-2-8 as this is the revised book. The old 2009 version is still in circulation secondhand but I don’t get royalties for it. Plus, the 2019 version is better.

Travels with my Teddy Bear
(Travelogues and musings of a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome and her teddy bear)

Travels with my Teddy Bear is Debra’s book about Debra trekking around various countries with me, her beloved teddy bear.
(It was originally published in 2009. But the publishers ceased trading and the book went out of print).
Now, in 2019, the book has been heavily revised and has new improved flavours!

It serves as both travel memoirs demonstrating the joys and problems of travelling through different countries and cultures, and an illustration of the highs and lows of Asperger’s Syndrome, a condition characterised by issues with social and communication skills, but also by such strengths as logic, focus, loyalty and generally not giving a fig if one’s interests are considered weird by others!

My eccentric Autistic mummy has an insider and female perspective of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as she has Asperger’s Syndrome – and she is female!

Countries visited: America, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Holland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Japan, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Mongolia, China and 4 days on the Trans-Mongolian train.

Includes 29 colour photographs.

Unsuitable for children due to some swearing, and a bit of mention of sex and drugs.

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Kindle ISBN 978-1-9160922-0-4

Paperback ISBN 978-1-9160922-2-8 


Bearsac now offers training in book format. Subjects effective communication, and empowered motivation. See here for more info. 

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