Slovakia and Austria It was a cold February in 2011, that Debra took me to Slovakia and Austria. Just Bratislava and Vienna really, but who’s counting?! Grassalkovich Palace, Bratislava, Slovakia. Man and snail statue, Bratislava Fountain girl with deer,Bratislava, Slovakia. Opera House, Bratislava Animal, the graffiti character. Bratislava. Worker statue, Bratislava. Paparazzi statue Bratislava Arsenal Funkturm TV Tower, Vienna, Austria. Cafe Tennis Arsenal, Vienna, Austria. Belvedere House, Vienna, Austria. Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee, Vienna, Austria. A Fountain, Vienna, Austria. Hotel Sacher, Vienna, Austria Fritz Kreisler star stone, Vienna, Austria. Get email notifications of updates Signup now and receive an email once I publish new content. Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) We will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.