
In May 2006 Debra, myself, my then wife (Tea) and daughter (Teasac), took a trip to Berlin.

This trip was to tie-in seeing a Gary Numan gig, for me and to extend on my travels, and for my wife and daughter to take their first trip with me.

I had fun meeting the United Buddy Bears, I had less fun when dogs tried to get me. You can read about my travels in Mummy Debra’s book. Travels wit my Teddy Bear. (Travelogues and musings of a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome and her teddy bear).

You can read about some of my travels, in Mummy Debra’s book. Travels with my Teddy Bear. (Travelogues and musings of a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome and her teddy bear).

The book covers our travels between 2000 and 2007. The countries in the book are: America, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Holland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Japan, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Mongolia, China and 4 days on the Trans-Mongolian train.

For now, enjoy the photographs on this page.

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