About Debra

Collage image of Debra sitting on cut out of Bearsac's head. I am Bearsac’s creator. Though I was (and still am) considered his Mummy!

I was with Bearsac for 14 years before he was snatched from me in Tanzania. I took him everywhere with me. He entertained me and supported me against the overloading world I interacted within. Like Bearsac, I’m a little wacky! Where do you think he got his wackiness from? – It’s nurture rather than nature! You will see my wackiness online by Googling or Youtubeing my name Debra Schiman or Bearsac.

In 2005, at 38, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, which has more recently been relabelled as a mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder. See my Asperger’s page.

I am the Author of the book Travels with My Teddy Bear (Travelogues of a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome with her teddy bear). It originally was published as a physical book in 2009.

When the publishers ceased trading the book soon went out of print. However, I am currently revising it and intend to produce it as an e-book.

People often asked me why I did the Bearsac thing. In short – it was a hobby and I enjoy human behaviour. I enjoyed seeing the way people react to the unusual. To read a bit more about why I did it click here. Reading about me and seeing videos of me perhaps leads people to miss out my sane side!

I am rather sensible and am finding my potential. I am using my lived experience of having Asperger’s Syndrome and of overcoming many of the barriers related to it and that society erects to support other people also wanting to overcome their barriers.

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