Problem 2 – Loft Bear

Feature image - Teddy bear partially lit in a dark space.

Dear Uncle Bearsac

In order to get this story to you I had to ask a carrier pigeon to deliver it to you. In exchange of favor I am baby-sitting her eggs, I just hope they don’t hatch under me and the chicks then think I’m their mummy!

My owner out-grew me many years ago, and I was banished from the bedroom to the loft. The loft hatch door is locked from the other side and I am alone and scared and have been here for 34 years. I would like to think my owner will one day think of his once beloved teddy and come in search of me in this dark dingy dust hellhole, but I fear I will forever be trapped and will soon be but dust myself.

Loft Bear

Bearsac’s reply to problem 2

Dear Loft Bear

The problem you suffer is a very wide spread problem, and the committee of my teddy bear self-advocacy group are planning a campaign called “Free The Teddies”. We plan to get the message across to owners that have their teddies put away in unsuitable surroundings, to give them their freedom.

If you have any ideas, please, we would love to hear them, your carrier pigeon could of course bring them to me. Couldn’t you get the carrier pigeon to take a message to your owner to alert them to your consciousness? The owner may think it’s a prank by a mate, but at least it will jog their memory and they might come get you.



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