Problem 1 – Labeless Bear

Sad looking teddy bear looking out from behind a window

Dear Uncle Bearsac

I feel left out and different to the other teddies in my owner’s bedroom. The thing is, is that they all have labels and I don’t. There is a beautiful posh girl teddy bear that has just moved in next door. She can’t help being posh; she’s a Steiff bear. Being a posh bear, I think she might be a snob and not want to know me because I don’t have a label. She has invited all us teddies as a group, to her party. How can I go when I might be the only teddy there without a label, and how can I get her to notice me?

Signed Labeless Bear


Bearsac’s reply to problem 1


Dear Labeless Bear

First of all, you are who you are and a label does not maketh the bear. Secondly, just because the bear of your heart is a posh bear, it does not mean she will be a snob. You seem to be jumping to a lot of conclusions here. I have met a lot of teddies with this problem. The thing is it is not a problem; that is just the way we choose to see it. Let me tell you my experience.

I don’t have a label either. I used to have the same fears as you and it dented my confidence so much that I sew a label on to myself. I thought it would gain me friends and influence bears. However, all it did was make me look more the uncool fool I assumed the label bears thought I was. There was this girl bear I liked; she was very popular. Her popularity though, was not down to her ornate label (it had gold stitching), but because of her kindness and confidence.

One day she saw that I was sad and we talked. She told me it was not the fact that I didn’t have a label that she didn’t think me cool. She said it was the fact that I always looked so grumpy and that I seemed to expect to be asked to join in everything rather than just join in anyway like the other teddies. “They don’t get personal invitations either,” she said.

She said none of us teddies has even noticed that we have labels and you don’t. She went on to say that she couldn’t understand what I was so worried about. “Humans worry about things like that, but not teddies, which are more sensible and carefree,” she said.

I never thought about it until she explained it to me, but I was carrying around human’s problems in my aura (energy field that surrounds the body). When humans tell us their problems, we can sometimes get their problems stuck in our aura and start having the problems or feelings ourselves.

I was shown how to do Teddy Bear Yoga and meditation. It cleansed my aura and the feeling of low self-esteem disappeared. It’s not that easy for humans though, they go to these nutty people called psychiatrists and psychotherapists and give them lots of money just to have these people project their own problems onto them.

So Labeless Bear, my closing bit of advice to you is, go get your aura cleansed and enjoy the party.

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